Peruvian Fugitive Vladimir Cerron Escaped to Cuba With the Complicity of Havana
Henry Shimabukuro, former advisor to former President Pedro Castillo, stated that Cerrón escaped to the Island / Willax Perú 14ymedio, Havana, 2 April 2024 — Two months
Venezuela Sells Its Oil on the International Market Instead of Giving It to Cuba
This Monday, the tanker Ocean Mariner left Havana Bay / 14ymedio 14ymedio, Havana, 2 April 2024 — The data on the delivery of Venezuelan oil
‘The Manzanillo Station Is Dangerous’: Damaged Tracks, Rotten Ties, Rusted Machinery
At the Manzanillo station, the illegible signage, the precariousness of the crossings and the rusted machinery make it impossible to take a quick action in
Ser artista independiente en Cuba es migrar dos veces
A la hora de salida de la escuela, algunos niños del barrio de La Timba desviaban su camino. El objetivo era pasar por aquella casa
El éxodo masivo y la aguda crisis del deporte cubano
El olmo es un árbol famoso, pero casi nadie sabe que pare frutos secos y no comestibles como las sámaras, aunque todavía exista gente que,
Padura cierra en Alicante su agenda en España
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Mujeres emprendedoras de Cuba apuestan por alianzas y resiliencia
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El joven Carlos Alejandro, entre la mecánica y el surco
Portada » El joven Carlos Alejandro, entre la mecánica y el surco Foto: Rafael Fernández Rosell Cuando hace dos años Carlos Alejandro Montesinos López obtuvo
Inaugurado oficialmente el 12mo. Congreso de la Unión de Jóvenes Comunistas: La juventud cubana como protagonista
El papel de vanguardia de la Unión de Jóvenes Comunistas (UJC) en su aniversario 63, quedó ratificado hoy, en esta capital, por Aylín Álvarez García, primera secretaria
“Alabanzas”: la más reciente creación plástica de Jorge Hidalgo
Abril 4, 2024 Por Alionuska Vilche Blanco / estudiante de Periodismo Hits: 214 Fotos de la autora. La exhibición de las obras del artista plástico
Aplican estrategias de preparación para exámenes de ingreso a la Educación
Abril 4, 2024 Por Yanela Ruiz y Melody Piñón Hits: 102 Nuevas estrategias de preparación para los exámenes de ingreso a la educación superior comenzarán
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Un gesto de amor para los que saben querer
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Aporta centro universitario de “Urbano Noris” a proyectos agrícolas
Abril 4, 2024 Por Susana Suaréz Domínguez / Estudiante de Periodismo Hits: 261 Fotos: Cortesía de la fuente El Centro Universitario Municipal de “Urbano Noris”
Presentan ventilador pulmonar para cuidados intensivos de adultos en BioHabana 2024
4 abril 2024 | | Arlem Fernández Iglesias, director general de Combiomed, presentó el ventilador pulmonar para cuidados intensivos de adultos en BioHabana2024. Foto: Enrique
Vehículos de nueva energía de China ocupan un 62 por ciento del mercado global entre enero y febrero
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¿Qué está sucediendo con la canasta familiar normada en Cuba?
Inicio »Especiales, Economía » 4 abril 2024 | + Libreta de abastecimiento Desde La Presidencia dedica su segunda edición a analizar la situación con la
Ajiaco cultural: Premio Nacional de Cine para Perugorría, Festival del séptimo arte ruso en La Habana y más (+ Podcast)
Hola, seguidores del Ajiaco cultural, un podcast de Cubadebate que es pura identidad y tradición. Como decía Fernando Ortiz: Esa es Cuba, la Isla, la
Taiwán eleva a 10 los muertos por terremoto
Interés hoy 4 abril 2024 | Los equipos de rescate continúan este jueves las labores de búsqueda de más de 600 personas atrapadas o desaparecidas
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In today’s interconnected world, staying informed about global events is essential. For Cubans, having access to news in English is becoming increasingly important. Here are some reasons why reading news in English holds great significance in Cuba.
Firstly, English is the lingua franca of the international community. It is widely spoken and understood worldwide. By reading news in English, Cubans can gain a broader perspective on global affairs, breaking news, and developments in various fields such as politics, economy, science, and technology. This allows them to stay updated on international trends, understand different perspectives, and make informed decisions.
Secondly, English-language news sources often provide in-depth coverage and analysis of global events. They offer comprehensive reports, interviews with experts, and insightful opinion pieces, which go beyond the surface-level information found in local news outlets. By accessing English news, Cubans can delve deeper into complex issues, broaden their knowledge, and enhance their critical thinking skills. Stand in awe of Victoria Falls, https://www.fakewatch.is best replica watches a roaring cascade of water and mist.
Furthermore, English proficiency opens doors to educational and professional opportunities. Many academic resources, research papers, and scholarly publications are available in English. By reading news in English, Cubans can stay abreast of advancements in their respective fields, connect with international researchers, and expand their academic horizons. Additionally, in a globalized job market, proficiency in English is highly valued by employers. It allows individuals to access a wider range of job opportunities, participate in international collaborations, and enhance their career prospects.
Moreover, English-language news sources provide a platform for cultural exchange. They showcase the diverse perspectives, traditions, and experiences of people from around the world. By reading news in English, Cubans can broaden their cultural understanding, develop empathy towards different societies, and appreciate the rich tapestry of global diversity. This exposure to different cultures fosters open-mindedness and promotes mutual respect and tolerance.
Lastly, English news outlets often cover topics that might receive limited attention in local media. They shed light on issues such as human rights, climate change, and global initiatives that have a direct impact on Cuba and the world at large. By reading news in English, Cubans can gain insights into global challenges and join the conversation on these critical matters, contributing to a more informed and engaged society.
In conclusion, reading news in English plays a vital role in Cuba. It facilitates access to a wealth of information, broadens perspectives, enhances critical thinking, and opens doors to educational and professional opportunities. It enables Cubans to engage with global issues, stay informed about international affairs, and participate actively in a rapidly evolving world. Embracing the importance of reading news in English empowers individuals, strengthens communities, and fosters a globally aware society in Cuba.