Cuban PM attends annual meeting of the ministry of justice

HAVANA, Cuba, Apr 8 (ACN) With the presence of Manuel Marrero Cruz, member of the Political Bureau and prime minister of the country, the annual meeting of the ministry of justice (MINJUS) is taking place to analyze what was done in 2021 and to define the projections for this year.

During the presentation of the work report, the legal services in the past year were analyzed, which maintained vitality in correspondence with the provisions approved in the country, in the midst of a complex context due to the tightening of the economic, commercial and financial blockade of the government of the United States, the increase of political-ideological subversion against Cuba and the confrontation with the COVID-19.

Among the topics discussed during the meeting were the fulfillment of the legislative schedule and its updating for 2022, legal advice, the direction of criminal matters, the science, technology and innovation system, in addition to the informatization strategy and its impact on notary and registry services, as well as the work with young people.

Regarding notary and registry services, access to the Digital Platform of Economic Actors was achieved, with the implementation of a joint work system and legal advice to ensure the incorporation and monitoring of micro, small and medium-sized companies and non-agricultural cooperatives, within the scope of competence of this ministry.

Oscar Silvera Martinez, minister of justice, pointed out that in spite of what has been done, there are deficiencies in the management of the cadre policy and human resources, in the attention to the population and compliance with the terms for the provision of services by some notaries, registrars and specialists, and insufficiencies in the quality of legal advice in some institutions and economic actors of the country.

The MINJUS is the agency of the Central Administration of the State in charge of assisting the State and the Government in legal matters, as well as proposing and, once approved, directing the policies that correspond to it in legal matters.


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