HAVANA, Cuba, Jun 24 (ACN) A delegation of the National Assembly of People’s Power (Parliament) of Cuba, headed by its secretary, Homero Acosta, began today a working visit to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
According to Prensa Latina, the working agenda will include a meeting with Mars Di Bartolomeo, president of the Chamber of Deputies of the European nation.
The Cuban representation, which also includes deputies Estela Cristina Luna and Luis Morlote, completed an extensive work schedule in Belgium, which included meetings with parliamentarians and leaders of political forces, MEPs and officials of European institutions, as well as with members of the solidarity movement, Cuban residents and diplomats.
On Thursday, in a meeting with the director general for the Americas of the European External Action Service, Brian Glynn, they ratified the interest in promoting the Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement between Cuba and the European Union, signed in 2016.