HAVANA, Cuba, Jun 24 (ACN) Cuba studied a total of 2,184 samples for surveillance, 29 of which were positive. The country accumulates 13,950,056 samples taken and 1,105,875 positive.
At the close of June 23, 104 patients were confirmed active and 159 were suspected.
Of the total number of cases, 20 were contacts of confirmed cases, 8 with a source of infection abroad and 1 with no source of infection specified. There were 32 medical discharges, accumulating 1,097,183 (99.2%), and there were no deaths. No confirmed severe or critical cases admitted to the ICU have been reported.
Five asymptomatic cases were registered (17.2%), totaling 147,041, which represents 13.3% of those confirmed to date, and by age group: under 20 years of age (19), 20 to 39 (4), 40 to 59 (3), and over 60 (3).