Mexico Returns 20 Illegal Cuban Migrants

Havana, Jun 17 (ACN) Mexican authorities returned to Cuba 29 irregular migrants on Friday in tune with bilateral migration accords.

The group included 23 men and six women who were returned by plane to Havana’s Jose Marti International airport after they travelled legally to third countries but having been detained by Mexican authorities as they tried to make it illegally to the USA.

Upon their arrival in Cuba, the returned persons received medical attention and were administered PCR tests for COVID-19, and were later transferred to their places of residence.

This has been the 22nd operation by Mexican authorities returning irregular migrants to Cuba this year, which has included some one thousand 276 persons.

Meanwhile, a total of three thousand 273 Cuban irregular migrants have been returned to Cuba from Mexico, Bahamas, Grand Cayman and by the US Coast Guard Service this year including maritime and air operations.

Cuban migration authorities insist in the danger and risks for the lives of those who make such trips facing possible kidnapping, rape, extorsion and other problems in their effort to make it to the US.

The US policy, which denies visas to Cuban citizens, along with the complex scenario caused by the pandemic and the strengthening of the US blockade of Cuba are factors encouraging irregular migration from the island.

The Cuban government has reiterated the need that Washington should honor the accords stated in the US-Cuba Joint Declaration on Migration Issues adopted January 12, 2017.

The Accord aims at fighting violent acts related to irregular migration, discouraging illegal departures and promoting effective cooperation to prevent and condemn the trafficking in persons and other associated crimes.


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