Pablo Elier Sanchez: “We played an excellent game”

SANTIAGO DE CUBA, Cuba, Jun 6 (ACN) Pablo Elier Sanchez, head coach of the national soccer team, highlighted the good game played by the Leones del Caribe in their 2-0 victory against Barbados.

In statements to ACN, Sánchez described Team Cuba’s victory as historic, since it had been five years since they had played in front of the Cuban fans, whose all-out support motivated the players to do their best in the field.

As to the defeat against Guadeloupe, he explained that they made technical and tactical mistakes, but also that the team had not played for eight months and the field was not up to par.

“Our priority now is to get back in shape and study new strategies for our two remaining matches against Antigua and Barbuda and strive to qualify for the Gold Cup,” he added.


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