Soberana Centro trials bring joy to central Cuba

CIENFUEGOS, Cuba, Aug 26 (ACN) Residents of the province of Cienfuegos welcomed with great enthusiasm the continuity of the Soberana Centro clinical trial, involving the second inoculation of more than 500 volunteers.

Lina Francescena Águila, president of a municipal popular council, told ACN that preparations had been under way for days before the trial started, including the cleaning and organization of the local vaccination station, located in a daycare center sufficiently large to house the various research rooms.

“We had help from different entities and from our political and mass organizations to make sure everything works in a synchronized way and that the health professionals and the volunteers taking part in this project will have the proper supplies and conditions to work,” she said.
Dayan Quintero Gómez, one of the volunteers, thanked the effort made by the Cuban Revolution to create vaccines to protect the population.

“I welcomed the news of the trial with great joy, since now we can help confirm the effectiveness of Soberana 01 and thus do our bit for the benefit of our scientists and health professionals and Cuba in general. Besides, the country is doing this to protect us all, and I especially want to be well protected so as not to infect my little boy, who is only one year old,” he pointed out.

Nurse Annia Pozo Batista did not participate in the administration of the first dose because she had other duties, but she is glad to have joined the second stage of the trial.

“I have been involved in this my whole life and took part in the process to administer the vaccine Abdala to vulnerable groups. Now I am here, filling in for a sick colleague so that the trial is not affected,” she stressed.

Soberana Centro started in July in several municipalities of this province. It is already well into its second stage, supported by more than 1,000 volunteers.

Its purpose is to measure the effectiveness of vaccine candidate Soberana 01 in comparison with Soberana 02 and Soberana Plus, two vaccines already developed by Cuban scientists.


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