Cuba to award today its best athletes for 2023
HAVANA, Cuba, Dec 26 (ACN) Canoeist Yarisleidis Cirilo and Greco-Roman wrestler Luis Orta will be awarded today, in Havana, as Cuba’s best athletes in 2023,
Cuban PM urged to strengthen agricultural potential
HOLGUIN, Cuba, Dec 26 (ACN) Cuban Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz urged during the Municipal Assembly of People’s Power of Gibara, in the eastern province
María Elena Llana gana el Premio Nacional de Literatura 2023
La narradora y periodista cubana María ElenLeer más >>
Cuba: comenzó el uso del PIN para las compras en MLC
Publicidad El pasado jueves 21 de diciembre comenzó en La Habana una prueba piloto para el uso de la clave o número de identificación personal
Miguel Barnet recibe el Premio Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural
Publicidad Al escritor y etnólogo Miguel Barnet le fue conferido este martes con el Premio Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural 2023, como reconocimiento a una vida
Ucrania lanzó nuevo ataque a la flota rusa en Crimea
Las fuerzas aéreas ucranias atacaron este martes el puerto de Feodosia, en la península de Crimea que ocupaLeer más >>
Etecsa anuncia afectaciones en los servicios de Internet
Los servicios y aplicaciones que requieren acceso a Internet por datos móviles, desde los sitios wifi Etecsa y enLeer más >>
Cuban Faces of 2023: Alina Barbara Lopez, the Rebellious Professor From Matanzas
Cuban professor and historian Alina Bárbara López Hernández. (Facebook) 14ymedio, Havana, 24 December 2023 — After the Hermanos Saíz Association (AHS) censored, in October 2022, the
A Group of 13 Cubans Denounces Migration Agents and Thwarts an Attempted Extortion in Mexico
A Migration agent at the time of returning their passports to 13 Cubans. (Capture Facebook/Epicentre Chiapas RyTv Official) 14ymedio/EFE, Mexico, December 25, 2023 — “Do
Cuban Faces of 2023: The 14 Faces That Marked the Year 2023 in Cuba
We have focused on the people who left a mark, sometimes light and beautiful; others heavy and destructive. (14ymedio) 14ymedio, Havana, 24 December 2023 — If instead
The Assembly of Filmmakers Challenges Censorship in Cuba
One of the debates of the Assembly of Filmmakers of Cuba. (Facebook) 14ymedio, Havana, 26 December 2023 — After perpetrating numerous acts of censorship against
A Picture of Fidel Castro on Display, the Requirement for Cuban End-of-Year Sales
Authorities instructed the merchants that they should place some slogan, flag or photo of the leaders. (14ymedio) 14ymedio, Juan Diego Rodríguez, Havana | 23 December
2023: la violencia de género en Cuba, un desafío persistente
La violencia de género es un problema global que afecta a mujeres y niñas en todo el mundo. En el caso de Cuba, este fenómeno
Autora cubana visibiliza voces femeninas del ámbito cultural
En la segunda edición de Con voz de mujer, Virgen Gutiérrez incluye entrevistas a la cineasta cubana Gloria Rolando, la poeta italiana Luciana Biseo, entre
Evalúa Etcesa en Holguín resultados de trabajo del 2023
Diciembre 26, 2023 Por Jorge Fernández Pérez Hits: 107 Foto: Tomada de Facebook La Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Cuba (Etecsa) en Holguín no estuvo ajena
París-2024, con los más altos niveles de seguridad
Los organizadores de París-2024 admitieron que existen planes de contingencia para la ceremonia de apertura de los Juegos Olímpicos, después de que el presidente francés,
Sobre el ring despidió el boxeo a 2023
En estos momentos son tres los púgiles que tie Leer más >>
En los play off: Matanzas-Las Tunas y Artemisa-Industriales
Ahora, además de estar los cuatro semi Leer más >>
El central Melanio Hernández entró en acción
Tras haber realizado satisfactoriamente el ejercicio de zafra y la prueba Leer más >>
Nuevo procedimiento para compras mediante Terminales de Puntos de Venta
El 21 de diciembre se inició en La Habana la prueba piloto para el uso Leer más >>
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In today’s interconnected world, staying informed about global events is essential. For Cubans, having access to news in English is becoming increasingly important. Here are some reasons why reading news in English holds great significance in Cuba.
Firstly, English is the lingua franca of the international community. It is widely spoken and understood worldwide. By reading news in English, Cubans can gain a broader perspective on global affairs, breaking news, and developments in various fields such as politics, economy, science, and technology. This allows them to stay updated on international trends, understand different perspectives, and make informed decisions.
Secondly, English-language news sources often provide in-depth coverage and analysis of global events. They offer comprehensive reports, interviews with experts, and insightful opinion pieces, which go beyond the surface-level information found in local news outlets. By accessing English news, Cubans can delve deeper into complex issues, broaden their knowledge, and enhance their critical thinking skills. Stand in awe of Victoria Falls, https://www.fakewatch.is best replica watches a roaring cascade of water and mist.
Furthermore, English proficiency opens doors to educational and professional opportunities. Many academic resources, research papers, and scholarly publications are available in English. By reading news in English, Cubans can stay abreast of advancements in their respective fields, connect with international researchers, and expand their academic horizons. Additionally, in a globalized job market, proficiency in English is highly valued by employers. It allows individuals to access a wider range of job opportunities, participate in international collaborations, and enhance their career prospects.
Moreover, English-language news sources provide a platform for cultural exchange. They showcase the diverse perspectives, traditions, and experiences of people from around the world. By reading news in English, Cubans can broaden their cultural understanding, develop empathy towards different societies, and appreciate the rich tapestry of global diversity. This exposure to different cultures fosters open-mindedness and promotes mutual respect and tolerance.
Lastly, English news outlets often cover topics that might receive limited attention in local media. They shed light on issues such as human rights, climate change, and global initiatives that have a direct impact on Cuba and the world at large. By reading news in English, Cubans can gain insights into global challenges and join the conversation on these critical matters, contributing to a more informed and engaged society.
In conclusion, reading news in English plays a vital role in Cuba. It facilitates access to a wealth of information, broadens perspectives, enhances critical thinking, and opens doors to educational and professional opportunities. It enables Cubans to engage with global issues, stay informed about international affairs, and participate actively in a rapidly evolving world. Embracing the importance of reading news in English empowers individuals, strengthens communities, and fosters a globally aware society in Cuba.