Comienza evacuación de cubanos varados en Haití; los residentes no son parte de la operación
La aerolínea Sunrise Airways con la anuencia de la Embajada de Cuba en Haití comenzó este viernes la evacuación de más de 250 cubanos varados
Alina Bárbara: los agentes no sabían por qué me arrestaban, eran como “autómatas”
La intelectual cubana Alina Bárbara López Hernández estuvo detenida durante varias horas, sin explicación alguna, el 18 de abril, fecha en la cual realiza desde
Pintor cubano Enrique Martínez Celaya expone en Hispanic Society de Nueva York
Publicidad El artista de origen cubano Enrique Martínez Celaya inauguró el jueves pasado en el Museo Hispanic Society de Nueva York la muestra personal: “El
Ana, la gente está mirando tu obra
Publicidad La Franja Teatral, de la mano de Agniezska Hernández, dramaturga y directora, propone con Ana, la gente está mirando la sangre, un adiestramiento para
Ventaja de Trump sobre Biden en la carrera presidencial se reduce, según encuesta
Publicidad La ventaja del expresidente Donald Trump sobre el actual mandatario Joe Biden de cara a las elecciones presidenciales de noviembre se ha reducido. Al
“Votantes Republicanos contra Trump”
Publicidad A principios de abril un grupo llamado Votantes Republicanos contra Trump (Republican Voters Against Trump, RVAT) salió a la luz pública lanzando una campaña
Ciudad de Francia nombrará un paseo en honor a Cienfuegos
Publicidad La ciudad francesa de Burdeos inaugurará un paseo para honrar a la cubana Cienfuegos, que este lunes celebra los 205 años de su fundación.
Life, Work, and Fate of Cuban Artist Belkis Ayon, in Miami
David Castillo, owner of the gallery where the encounter will take place / Photo: Clara Riveros / 14ymedio Gallery owner David Castillo has brought Belkis
The Swimming Pool Pothole in Havana Where Children Bathe
Neither the local authorities nor the company Aguas de La Habana have taken measures to fix the pothole Photo: 14ymedio The gap is so imposing
Comments on Cuban President Diaz-Canel’s Latest Podcast
By Francisco Acevedo HAVANA TIMES – Our beloved Miguel Diaz-Canel went viral again this week, with the release of his podcast dedicated to the transportation
A Massive Exodus Leaves Cuba with an Abundance of Secondhand Clothes and Home Appliances
“What’s for sale now are the belongings of local people who are leaving and can’t take everything with them” When garage sales became legal three
‘We Have To Get Our Act Together’, Says Cuban Prime Minister Marrero in a Visit to Ciego Avila
The deplorable condition of the nursing home of the municipality of Primero de Enero was what most horrified the prime minister At the exit of
The Communist Party Dismisses Its First Secretary in Las Tunas After Almost 20 Years as a Cadre
René Pérez Gallego, who will have “other responsibilities,” will be replaced by Walter Simón Noris Pérez Gallego, the former first secretary of the province, was
The European Parliament’s Veto of Cuban Deputies is Permanent, Not Temporary
Prisoners Defenders corrects the version disseminated by some media and specifies that this measure also affects all “representatives of the regime” In November 2023, several
Selling Sellers
Todo el mundo conoce a la Pantera Rosa. Hace poco, hablando de Pierre Richard y Gene Wilder, dije que, como Cantinflas, aquellos tenían la virtud
Cine cubano estrecha alianzas para el desarrollo sostenible
El Festival Internacional de Cine y Medio Ambiente Isla Verde y el proyecto de igual nombre tienen entre sus objetivos lograr que la participación ciudadana
EE.UU. y la recolonización de Latinoamérica
Información filtrada de la embajada de Estados Unidos en Bolivia, sistematizada, ente otros, por el Centro de Estudios Geopolíticos Multidisciplinarios (CEGM), da cuenta de un
Holguín siempre adelante
Holguín marcha rápido, quién lo puede negar. Y marcha rápido en todos los órdenes… Y vimos todas esas cosas: la nueva ciudad. Y yo me
Necesario y profundo diálogo con los artistas e intelectuales camagüeyanos
Un diálogo franco y profundo entre la intelectualidad camagüeyana e instituciones culturales y decisores gubernamentales y políticos sentó pautas para revitalizar la vida cultural de
Entregan Premios Nacionales de Conservación y Restauración de Monumentos
Foto: Tomada de Prensa Latina Los Premios Nacionales de Conservación y Restauración de Monumentos, que promueve el Consejo Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural (CNPC), fueron entregados
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In today’s interconnected world, staying informed about global events is essential. For Cubans, having access to news in English is becoming increasingly important. Here are some reasons why reading news in English holds great significance in Cuba.
Firstly, English is the lingua franca of the international community. It is widely spoken and understood worldwide. By reading news in English, Cubans can gain a broader perspective on global affairs, breaking news, and developments in various fields such as politics, economy, science, and technology. This allows them to stay updated on international trends, understand different perspectives, and make informed decisions.
Secondly, English-language news sources often provide in-depth coverage and analysis of global events. They offer comprehensive reports, interviews with experts, and insightful opinion pieces, which go beyond the surface-level information found in local news outlets. By accessing English news, Cubans can delve deeper into complex issues, broaden their knowledge, and enhance their critical thinking skills. Stand in awe of Victoria Falls, https://www.fakewatch.is best replica watches a roaring cascade of water and mist.
Furthermore, English proficiency opens doors to educational and professional opportunities. Many academic resources, research papers, and scholarly publications are available in English. By reading news in English, Cubans can stay abreast of advancements in their respective fields, connect with international researchers, and expand their academic horizons. Additionally, in a globalized job market, proficiency in English is highly valued by employers. It allows individuals to access a wider range of job opportunities, participate in international collaborations, and enhance their career prospects.
Moreover, English-language news sources provide a platform for cultural exchange. They showcase the diverse perspectives, traditions, and experiences of people from around the world. By reading news in English, Cubans can broaden their cultural understanding, develop empathy towards different societies, and appreciate the rich tapestry of global diversity. This exposure to different cultures fosters open-mindedness and promotes mutual respect and tolerance.
Lastly, English news outlets often cover topics that might receive limited attention in local media. They shed light on issues such as human rights, climate change, and global initiatives that have a direct impact on Cuba and the world at large. By reading news in English, Cubans can gain insights into global challenges and join the conversation on these critical matters, contributing to a more informed and engaged society.
In conclusion, reading news in English plays a vital role in Cuba. It facilitates access to a wealth of information, broadens perspectives, enhances critical thinking, and opens doors to educational and professional opportunities. It enables Cubans to engage with global issues, stay informed about international affairs, and participate actively in a rapidly evolving world. Embracing the importance of reading news in English empowers individuals, strengthens communities, and fosters a globally aware society in Cuba.