OCDH: Al menos 360 acciones represivas contra la población civil en Cuba en el mes de mayo
La falta de voluntad política del Estado cubano para implementar estrategias que allanen el camino hacia la igualdad de género es una de las dificultades
Preso político espera que llegue pronto la libertad a Cuba: “no hemos perdido la esperanza de ver caer la dictadura”
La falta de voluntad política del Estado cubano para implementar estrategias que allanen el camino hacia la igualdad de género es una de las dificultades
Lesbofobia en Cuba, estudio revela cómo las leyes y ciertos espacios LGBTIQ+ excluyen a las lesbianas
La falta de voluntad política del Estado cubano para implementar estrategias que allanen el camino hacia la igualdad de género es una de las dificultades
Destapan a “mipymero” detrás de una operación para bajar el precio del dólar en Cuba (VIDEO)
Cierra el mes de mayo en Cuba con horarios record de apagones, sumado a la escasez de agua potable y alimentos básicos disponibles para la
Asesinato de madre en Guantánamo, feminicidio 23 en menos de medio año en Cuba
La activista Martha María Ramírez, alertó sobre la desaparición hace veinte días de la joven cardenense Melisa Odaisi Peraza Cabrera, de 24 años de edad.
Cuba loses to the Netherlands at Volleyball Nations League
HAVANA, Cuba, Jun 7 (ACN) The Cuban men’s team lost on Thursday 1-3 to the Netherlands in the continuation of group four of the second
Raul and Diaz Canel send wreaths for death of prominent Cuban journalist
HAVANA, Cuba, Jun 7 (ACN) To pay tribute to Cuban journalist, critic and intellectual Pedro de la Hoz Gonzalez, who passed away on Wednesday, wreaths
Russian Naval Detachment to Call at Havana Harbor
Havana, Jun 6 (ACN) The Cuban Ministry of the Revolutionary Armed Forces announced the upcoming visit to Havana by a Russian naval detachment made up
Havana Hosts First International Biennial of Political Satire
Havana, Jun 6 (ACN) Some 66 cartoonists, humorists and other artists from 24 countries will expose the current fight against neo-fascism through in an exhibit
MLO Urges Washington to Lift Blockade of Cuba
Havana, Jun 6 (ACN) Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador reiterated his call on Washington to lift its economic, commercial and financial blockade against Cuba.
Lanzan en línea “Quería saber”, nuevo disco de Silvio Rodríguez
Publicidad Los once temas que componen el nuevo álbum de Silvio Rodríguez, Quería saber, ya están disponibles en YouTube, Spotify y otras plataformas de Internet.
Ley de Comunicación Social abre la puerta a la publicidad y el patrocinio en la prensa oficial cubana
Publicidad La publicidad y el patrocinio en medios de prensa oficiales es una novedad en casi 70 años, razón por la que se subraya entre
China está dispuesta a ampliar la cooperación con Cuba “para enfrentar sus desafíos”, asegura canciller
Publicidad El canciller chino, Wang Yi, le aseguró a su par cubano, Bruno Rodríguez, que China está dispuesta a ampliar la cooperación con la isla
Soleida Ríos: “Los versos parten de mi dolor, de mis agujeros emocionales, de mis sueños…”
Publicidad A Soleida (Santiago de Cuba, 1950) la imagino como una vara de mimbre recubierta de acero. Cimbra con los vientos huracanados que soplan sobre
Ruta de finde: Raíces en Factoría Habana
Publicidad Empezamos con artes visuales, y cómo mejor que viajando a nuestras raíces a través de la obra de tres grandes artistas: Moisés Finalé, Roberto
Russia nuclear-powered submarine to visit Cuba amid rising tensions with US
A Russian nuclear-powered submarine – which will not be carrying nuclear weapons – will visit Havana next week, Cuba’s communist authorities have announced, amid rising
Bukele Extends State of Emergency in El Salvador
at the start of his second term in office The state of emergency in El Salvador has popular support. Photo: EFE | Confidencial The measure
The Land We Want to Live In
By Lien Estrada HAVANA TIMES – I feel happy every time I encounter a curb cut, or other such accessible modification to the architectural barriers
Tiananmen Square 35 Years After the Massacre
The “Tank Man” By Javier Herrera HAVANA TIMES – It was June 5, 1989, and a solitary man, armed only with two shopping bags, stood
EU Voters Cast Ballots That Will Determine Bloc’s Handling of Migration, Climate
HAVANA TIMES – The European Union election is kicking off as voters in the 27 member nations select its new Parliament between today and Sunday.
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In today’s interconnected world, staying informed about global events is essential. For Cubans, having access to news in English is becoming increasingly important. Here are some reasons why reading news in English holds great significance in Cuba.
Firstly, English is the lingua franca of the international community. It is widely spoken and understood worldwide. By reading news in English, Cubans can gain a broader perspective on global affairs, breaking news, and developments in various fields such as politics, economy, science, and technology. This allows them to stay updated on international trends, understand different perspectives, and make informed decisions.
Secondly, English-language news sources often provide in-depth coverage and analysis of global events. They offer comprehensive reports, interviews with experts, and insightful opinion pieces, which go beyond the surface-level information found in local news outlets. By accessing English news, Cubans can delve deeper into complex issues, broaden their knowledge, and enhance their critical thinking skills. Stand in awe of Victoria Falls, https://www.fakewatch.is best replica watches a roaring cascade of water and mist.
Furthermore, English proficiency opens doors to educational and professional opportunities. Many academic resources, research papers, and scholarly publications are available in English. By reading news in English, Cubans can stay abreast of advancements in their respective fields, connect with international researchers, and expand their academic horizons. Additionally, in a globalized job market, proficiency in English is highly valued by employers. It allows individuals to access a wider range of job opportunities, participate in international collaborations, and enhance their career prospects.
Moreover, English-language news sources provide a platform for cultural exchange. They showcase the diverse perspectives, traditions, and experiences of people from around the world. By reading news in English, Cubans can broaden their cultural understanding, develop empathy towards different societies, and appreciate the rich tapestry of global diversity. This exposure to different cultures fosters open-mindedness and promotes mutual respect and tolerance.
Lastly, English news outlets often cover topics that might receive limited attention in local media. They shed light on issues such as human rights, climate change, and global initiatives that have a direct impact on Cuba and the world at large. By reading news in English, Cubans can gain insights into global challenges and join the conversation on these critical matters, contributing to a more informed and engaged society.
In conclusion, reading news in English plays a vital role in Cuba. It facilitates access to a wealth of information, broadens perspectives, enhances critical thinking, and opens doors to educational and professional opportunities. It enables Cubans to engage with global issues, stay informed about international affairs, and participate actively in a rapidly evolving world. Embracing the importance of reading news in English empowers individuals, strengthens communities, and fosters a globally aware society in Cuba.