Arrested on Sunday, the Leader of the Ladies in White, Berta Soler, is Released


The activist left the Aguilera station in Havana without charges or fines

Berta Soler was arrested while leaving the headquarters of the Ladies in White in the Havana neighborhood of Lawton / Facebook

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, 24 September 2024 — Almost three days passed before the police released Berta Soler on Tuesday morning. The leader of the Ladies in White was arrested on Sunday by State Security and her husband, former political prisoner Ángel Moya, repeatedly reported that her whereabouts were unknown and that the authorities said they did not know her whereabouts.

It was Moya himself who reported that at 7:45 am on Tuesday, Soler was released at the Aguilera police station in Havana. After her arrest in the Havana neighborhood of Lawton, the activist was transferred to the Aguilera station, then to Cotorro, and finally back to Aguilera. “During her detention, she was confined in semi-dark cells, without water and without possession of her Bible,” said Moya.

She was released from prison without charges or a fine, and this time – unlike other times – the officers did not threaten her. In a post on Monday, Moya reported that his wife “did not appear in the police registry of detainees.” He explained that he called 106 – the police number for filing complaints – and uploaded the audio of the conversation, in which a receptionist at the Ministry of the Interior told him that they did not have the arrest report. In addition, she asked him to go to the “closest” police station and even suggested that Moya was lying about Soler’s arrest.

As happens every week for her activism against the Ladies in White, Soler was arrested last Sunday in the same place. She was taken to the police unit of the Havana municipality of Coto

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