Borrell, Latin America and the European Union


Members of civil society in Cuba have requested that the EU subsidy to the Havana regime be eliminated

Borrell was a senior official in the Administration of one of Fidel’s strongest allies, former Spanish president Felipe González / EFE

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Pedro Corzo, Miami, September 22, 2024 — The conclusion is not edifying, but it agrees with reality.

Everything seems to indicate that many institutions act more in accordance with the opinions of their officials than according to the values on which they claim to sustain themselves, as is the case of the European Union, an entity institutionally committed to democracy and the enjoyment of citizens’ rights, which incurs incomprehensible contradictions.

The Assembly of Cuban Resistance, an organization linked to the overthrow of the dictatorship of the largest island of the Antilles, which, in addition, shows great concern about the dangers to democracy in the hemisphere, has been denouncing, practically since its constitution, the indulgence of the European Union toward the totalitarian Cuban regime.

These accusations, despite their constancy, have not been successful, because one of the most important officials of that entity, Joseph Borrell, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs, apparently feels sympathy for Castroism and its heirs.

Which leads me once again to agree with the writers Jose Antonio Albertini and Alexis Ortiz, who claim that many personalities born or trained under the management of the Cuban Revolution and Fidel Castro have not been able to get rid of those influences. Borrell was trained and was a senior official in the Administration of one of Fidel’s strongest allies, Felipe González, the former head of the

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