Raul Castro Has Cuban President Diaz Canel Trembling

President Miguel Diaz Canel and General Raul Castro at a rally in Havana’s Revolution Square in 2022. Photo: Prensa Latina

By Francisco Acevedo

HAVANA TIMES – We have never echoed rumors on this site, but this time it’s so strong that we cannot turn our backs on it, because it was the talk of the town all week, both on the streets and social media.

It’s evidently about Raul Castro, whose health is in question. This is not the first time something similar has happened, and like before, it’s probably false rumors. However, what we want to analyze is what might come next.

When his brother Fidel died in 2016, the news was announced quickly, but the situation now is different, because it was known that upon his death, Raul would be the one to take control of the country, even though someone else held the presidency.

However, when the younger Castro, officially Cuba’s president from 2008 to 2018, passes away, no one can imagine the chaos that could ensue in Cuba.

In fact, some non-government media outlets have already reported his death, and with the ongoing official silence, everyone is on edge. On previous occasions, a “proof of life” hasn’t taken long, but this time the wait suggests that if he hasn’t died, he’s at least not healthy enough to appear on camera.

In theory, nothing extraordinary would happen with his passing, as our president Miguel Díaz-Canel would continue governing as he has been. However, that’s not the case, because Diaz Canel’s “handpicked” mandate isn’t just an opposition joke, it’s a reality, since it’s Raul’s approval that counts, not that of those surrounding him.

The real power i

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