Two Cuban Doctors Have Been Waiting a Year for the Bank To Give Them the Dollars They Earned in Angola


“Without the possibility of buying a house,” the doctors believe that the State is not repaying them for their sacrifice

Cuban health workers with officials from the Island and Angola at an event in Luanda / Cubaminrex

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Madrid, 19 September 2024 — As if it were not enough to permanently retain more than 70% of the salaries of doctors on international “missions,” Cuban banks have denied two doctors who worked in Angola the extraction of the hard currency coming to them. The information was published this week by the official press itself, to which the couple appealed in a last attempt to obtain what is theirs.

“Acknowledgement of receipt,” a section of the newspaper Juventud Rebelde dedicated to publishing the population’s complaints, was the recipient of the claim of the married couple Eliannys Saborit Oliva and Alfredo Miguel Ramos, an anesthesiologist and an orthopedist, who live in the municipality of Bayamo, in Granma province.

After their return from Angola in 2023, where they spent three years as part of one of the health contingents that Cuba exports to many countries, the doctors earned an undisclosed amount of foreign currency for the State that was to be paid to them “after a reasonable time.” However, the Banco Popular de Ahorro de Bayamo has not paid the doctors since October 2023, claiming low availability of foreign currency.

The Banco Popular de Ahorro de Bayamo has not paid the doctors since October 2023, claiming low availability of foreign currency

Saborit Oliva and Miguel Ramos, who say they need the money to become independent, have run out of options, because as residents of Granma they can collect foreign currency only in that province. Meanwhile, their colleagues from other territories received their salaries long ago.

“Nor do they plan strategies for sending monetary aid, after almost a year of waiting to extract the cash in hard currency that is ours for having made

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