A Bricklayer Reflects on Cuba After Three Years in Jail


‘If the situation continues like this, people won’t be able to take it anymore’

Jose Rodriguez Herrada was sentenced to three years and six months for participating in the mass protests in Caibarién, Villa Clara / Courtesy

After being released from Guamajal prison in Santa Clara city, Jose Rodriguez Herrada, 52, was welcomed with joy at his home by family and friends.

By 14ymedio

HAVANA TIMES – Jose Rodriguez Herrada, sentenced to three years and six months for participating in the mass protests in Caibarién, Villa Clara, on 11 July 2021, was discharged from prison on Friday. After his release from Guamajal prison in Santa Clara city, the 52-year-old ex-convict was joyfully welcomed home by family and friends.

Rodriguez Herrada, who before his arrest worked as a bricklayer, believes that the reasons to demonstrate are still present in Cuba: “If the situation continues like this, people will not be able to stand it any longer, although there is also a lot of fear because of the repression,” he warns in a telephone conversation with 14ymedio. “My town of Caibarién is much worse, there is no water, you have to walk around with a bag of money to buy food, the streets are destroyed, the houses are falling apart.”

Convicted under the crime of public disorder, Rodriguez Herrada’s appeal was rejected and he had to spend almost the entirety of his sentence behind bars. “I got out four months early because I was entitled to it, not because they were kind to me, or anything like that,” he explained to this newspaper regarding his stay in Section 5 of the Guamajal Men’s Prison.

His time in prison was full of hard times, as he explains. In January 2022, Rodríguez Herrada carried out a hunger strike in the Villa Clara prison called “El Pre.” With his fasting, the prisoner demanded the nullification of the testimonies against him provided by prosecution witnesses in the trial held in November 2021, considering them false and fabricated in order to convict him.

According to sentence 137 of 2021, to which this newspaper had access, the head of the National Revoluti

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