‘It’s As if They Hate the People,’ Cubans Complain About the State Electric Company’s Blackouts


For this Tuesday, the state forecasts a deficit of 1,030 megawatts during peak hours

Many businesses, both private and State, have not been able to open in recent days / EFE

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Madrid, September 17, 2024 — Many Cuban neighborhoods will suffer from blackouts this Tuesday. The forecast of the Cuban Electric Union (UNE) once again exceeds 1,000 megawatts (MW). This has put the citizens of the Island, who live hopelessly pending information on power cuts, on a war footing.

“This is no way to live. Yesterday they shut down the power practically all day, and for today we expect the same,” says Norma, a woman from Sancti Spíritus who lives in the provincial capital. “This hits us very hard with the heat,” she adds.

From Holguín, another city besieged by constant cuts, Ernesto tells this newspaper that lately there are few nights when he can sleep. “They cut the power from 6:00 am to 12:00 pm, from 6:00 pm to 12:00 am and then from 3:00 am to 6:00 am. This is crazy. Most of the shops in the city aren’t open, and the cafeterias that don’t have generators cannot provide service to the public,” says Ernesto, who stayed awake yesterday fanning his son so that he could rest.

Between blackouts and the suffocating heat, both Norma and Ernesto are losing hope that the situation will improve

As the days go by between the blackouts and the suffocating heat, both Norma and Ernesto lose hope that the situation will improve. “I know that today they’ll give us another story, but when you least expect it, they will take away the electricity again,” Ernesto concludes.

He’s not wrong. According to the State’s daily report, the national electricity system (SEN) gave only 45 minutes of relief yesterday. “At 7:48 a.m. yesterday morning the service was restored, and from 8:33 a.m. the service began to be affected again due to a generation capacity deficit, which it has not been possible to restore,” the UNE indicated.


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