Cuban Activist Jorge Cervantes Is Exiled, Forced by the Regime To Choose Between “Banishment or Prison”


He did not reveal which country he is in and explained that the authorities took him directly to the plane

Jorge Cervantes García, former member of Unpacu and coordinator of Cuba Primero / Facebook

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Madrid, September 12, 2024 — The Cuban regime forced Cuban activist and former member of the Patriotic Union of Cuba (Unpacu), Jorge Cervantes García, into exile last Tuesday. As the opponent himself revealed on social networks, the authorities gave him a choice between “banishment and prison” and, after deciding to leave the country, led him directly “to the stairs of the plane.”

In a video shared on social networks, the activist did not reveal which country he’s in but said that, although he consulted with people close to him about his decision to go into exile, it was impossible for him to communicate with his family during his transfer from Santiago de Cuba to Havana and before boarding the plane.

As for the leader of the Unpacu, José Daniel Ferrer, this Thursday the European Parliament will vote on a resolution to call for the release of the activists and all the Island’s political prisoners.

Cubalex announced the granting of an extracriminal license to political prisoner Carlos Manuel Pupo Rodríguez

For its part, the Cubalex platform announced the granting of an extracriminal license to the political prisoner Carlos Manuel Pupo Rodríguez, due to “his critical state of health.” As the organization explained on the social network X, the opponent suffered an ischemia that had an impact on the right side of his body. It also reported that this Wednesday his condition would be evaluated to determine if he would be discharged.

Pupo is not the only prisoner of conscience who, due to his health – which has deteriorated in prison – has obtained an extracriminal license. Last May, Lisdani Rodríguez, one of the two sisters from Placetas, Villa Clara, arrested after demons

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