Olesia Muñoz: “They Invented a Facebook Post to Accuse Me”

Olesia Muñoz, released political prisoner from the Daniel Ortega dictatorship. Muñoz has been detained twice since 2018. Photo: Confidencial

Muñoz was a political prisoner twice. She was accused of cybercrimes in a setup that involved the bishop of Granada, Monsignor Solorzano.

By Confidencial

HAVANA TIMES – Olesia Muñoz is convinced that her life is not in limbo now that she has been exiled to Guatemala. Her faith in God, which sustained her during more than two years in prison, gives her the certainty that God will know what to do with her life.

“Exile hurts humanly, but spiritually it does not, because these are projects and plans that God gives to humans, and therefore, God’s plans are perfect,” she said from Guatemala, where she was taken along with 134 other Nicaraguan political prisoners on September 5th.

Muñoz has been imprisoned twice by the regime since 2018. The first time, she was deprived of her freedom for almost eleven months, from July 2018 to June 2019. The second time, for nearly 17 months, from April 8, 2023, to September 5, 2024.

“I can only feel joy and peace in my heart because (our release) is something we prayed for while in prison. But I tell you, there were moments when we laughed heartily amid the pain,” she recalls.

Olesia has always been an openly Catholic woman. Before being arrested for the first time, she sang at the Santa Ana Parish of Niquinohomo, where she also taught piano, guitar, and flute. On Holy Thursday of 2023, when she was abducted for the second time, she was preparing to sing at the Mass marking the start of the Easter Triduum in the San Pedro Parish in the municipality of Diria, Granada.

A patrol vehicle arrived, and the officers told her they were taking her for an “interview” with the police. On the way, she heard that more people were being transported. Muñoz was taken to the District Three police station in Managua, where she remained for three months.

“That was quite hard because the prison was very small and extremely hot. We had access to daily packages, but our family couldn’t come due to the distanc

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