A Former Officer of the Armed Forces Was Among the 41 Rafters Returned to Cuba by the United States


Roxanna Pérez, 27 years old and a first lieutenant at the time of her resignation, is detained in the prison at 100 and Aldabó

Pérez said she did not agree “with the attention or treatment given to the officers” nor with the treatment she received / Click-Cuba

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, 24 August 2024 — A former officer of the Cuban Armed Forces, Roxanna Pérez Rodríguez, is part of the group of 41 rafters intercepted by the U.S. Coast Guard Service and returned to the Island this Friday. The 27-year-old woman, who at the time of processing her resignation held the rank of first lieutenant, is detained in the prison at 100 and Aldabó, in Havana, and her family fears that she will be tried to serve as an example in a military court.

In a brief resignation note signed on June 6, addressed to the officer of Military Unit 2133 and published by the Click-Cuba media, Pérez claimed to be “disappointed” with the Armed Forces and alleged that she could not “perform correctly” in her duties. “My economic situation does not allow me to take care of my family and work at the same time,” she said.

Pérez said she did not agree “with the attention or treatment given to the officers,” nor with the treatment she received. She also revealed to her superiors that her sisters “left the country,” her mother would do it in the coming months and her emigrated family wanted to start the “claim” process so that the young woman, who has a child, could reside in the United States.

Pérez’s military identity document, issued in 2019 and valid until 2024 / Click-Cuba

According to Click-Cuba, the former first lieutenant had been sanctioned for 10 months with a movement limitation, which only allowed her only to go from home to work. The cause: maintaining a romantic

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