Venezuela: Revolution Without People


The evidence of Maduro’s defeat is there, coming from the very technological womb of the “best electoral system in the world”

Now Venezuelans are seeking the definitive victory: the recognition of popular sovereignty expressed in the elections / María Corina Machado/X

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Gregorio Salazar, Caracas, 6 August 2024 — At 61 years of age, after more than 25 years as a member of the political cast that came to power with Hugo Chávez and 12 of those years at the head of the regime that today subjugates Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro has attempted the most reckless of his political adventures: to remain in power another six years against the will of the Venezuelan people.

Since July 29, the day after the presidential elections, doubts about the true result of the vote began to clear up. And the first and only bulletin of the National Electoral Council (CNE) remained nothing more than an implausible pretext, a strange justification for a move that ended up placing Maduro and his inner circle outside the constitutional framework.

The “official” CNE bulletin — for what it has said and for what it has omitted, and for its haste and its inconsistencies — will go down in history as evidence of one of the most crude political moves, though not its unpredictable consequences — with which a political group has tried to seize power in Venezuela. And, as they shamelessly proclaim, definitively.

Maduro’s hasty proclamation tried to convince (and demoralize) the population with the boast of a fait accompli

Maduro’s hasty proclamation – without completing the vote counts – tried to convince (and demoralize) the population with the boast of a fait accompli. But the evidence is there, coming from the highly technological womb of the “best electoral system in the world.”

Irrefutable, uncontestable, with the meticulous forcefulness of what happened, since they constitute the same input and use the same guarantee that the CNE’s automated platform provides: invulnerable digital codes and protocols.

With more than 80% of the votes collected so far, the result is overwhelmingly devastating. Edmundo González has more than 7

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