Between Hope and Distrust, Cubans Are Closely Following the Elections in Venezuela


This type of system is arrogant, it believes that it has everything under control and that it can tame the human soul. This leads them to make mistakes and miscalculate certain steps.

Since the early hours of the morning long lines of voters have been reported outside polling stations in Venezuela  / EFE / Ronald Peña R.

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Yoani Sánchez, Havana, 28 July 2024 — The official Cuban press woke up this Sunday too silent on the main issue that affects all the inhabitants on this side of the world: the presidential elections in Venezuela. And while, in the homes and streets of this Island no one talks of anything but than the possible defeat of Nicolás Maduro in the elections, the media controlled by the Communist Party have preferred to go back 70 years, to that July 28th when Hugo Chávez was born.

To prevent Cubans from being aware of the details of this historic day, several activists and independent journalists have had their cell phone access to the Internet cut off. The satellite dish service that illegally provides the ability to watch television programming from the United States, Mexico and other countries in the region has also been conveniently suspended. The visits of agents from the political police to the areas with the greatest presence of these devices in Havana has dissuaded their administrators from providing a signal whose content the government cannot control.

The anguishing reality in which we live also acts as a distraction from what is happening at the polls in Venezuelan. The mountains of garbage that surround us, the inflation that hits our pockets, the constant farewells to those who emigrate, along with the flies and mosquitoes that have taken over our cities and our homes, it all gives us no respite and barely allows

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