The Death of Ernesto Figueredo and the Urgent Demand for a Thorough Investigation / Cubalex

Ernesto Figueredo Alarcón

Cubalex, 25 July 2024 — In the field of human rights, every life lost in suspicious circumstances demands a robust response and a thorough investigation by the state. The recent death of Ernesto Figueredo Alarcón, a 23-year-old man, at the hands of a police officer raises serious concerns about the fulfilment of state obligations in Cuba and underlines the urgent need for a rigorous and transparent investigation.

Ernesto Figueredo Alarcón died last Friday after being shot in the head by a policeman known as “Chucho, El tirado”. According to CubaNet, the incident occurred in Ernesto’s house, located in the Rosa La Bayamesa neighborhood in Bayamo, Granma province, while the policeman and the victim were talking alone in a room.

Following the shooting, the young man was admitted to intensive care at the Carlos Manuel de Céspedes Provincial Hospital, where he was diagnosed as brain dead and was kept alive only on life support. Although the policeman responsible for the shooting was arrested, the authorities have not provided detailed information about the case, leaving the family with no clear answers. People close to the victim claim that the shooting was an accident and point out that the policeman had mental problems, suggesting that he was unfit to carry a weapon and unfit for duty. Despite these allegations, no official information has been received to confirm or refute these points.

The lack of transparency and opacity in the handling of the case raises serious concerns about the authorities’ handling of the case. This is especially critical when there are international obligations and protocols for cases that could represent potentially unlawful killings and, in parti

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