Cuban Regime Presents the Jet Ski ‘Terrorist’ To Distract Cubans From the Crisis


Humberto López’s program gave little news, except for the detainee’s statement and his links with the self-styled group “The New Cuban Nation in Arms”

Ardenys García Álvarez on Canal Caribe identifying the members of The New Cuban Nation in Arms / Capture

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Madrid, 9 July 2024 – Not much that was new was announced in a national television program which was supposed to reveal details about the “terrorist plot against Cuba, organized and financed from the United States,” which was finally dismantled by the Police and the Armed Forces. The 30 minutes that the special lasted, led by the spokesman of the regime Humberto López, had abundant information about the case that became known last December, when a man was arrested for trying to illegally enter the Island on a jet ski with three pistols, which this Monday became five.

The only news was the name of the detainee, who made himself known the day before: Ardenys García Álvarez, a 40-year-old Cienfueguero, allegedly emigrated and resident in the United States since 2014. His statements and the videos and images of the group to which he supposedly belonged were the most spectacular part of López’s program, which had two guests — Colonel Víctor Álvarez Valle and Prosecutor Eduard Roberts Campbell — to give a theoretical basis to what some members of the exile have already considered propaganda to divert attention.

His statements and the videos and images of the group to which he allegedly belonged were the most spectacular part of López’ program

The program began by reviewing the events, which occurred in November, when García Álvarez entered Cuba illegally through Matanzas on a jet ski “with the intention of carrying out violent actions.” A few days later, the famous National List of Terrorists was approved, which includes 61 people – including the politician Orlando Gutiérrez Boronat and the influencer Alex Otaola – in addition to 19 organizations “that carry out actions against state security,” whose members, they warn, are “sought by the authorities.”

García Álvarez, according to his testimony, was a member of one of them, the self-styled New Cuban Nation in Arms, captained by Willy González – who mocked last night’s program on social networks – and who claims that a recruitment group in Florida is willing to use violence to liberate the Island from communism. The group said it was the author in 2022 of the fire against the Provincial Court of Havana, but despite everything, it has only 800 followers.

In the video broadcast by Canal Caribe, García Álvarez recounts how he came into contact with the group through Telegram – although he never indicates if he did it out of conviction or for money – and began to carry out training activities on shooting ranges with several of its members, including Willy González. He also identifies in the photographs Jorge Luis Fernández Figueras El Lobo and Dayan Quiñones, among others.

The individuals appear equipped with a military uniform and the logo of The New Cuban Nation in Arms, which includes the national flag

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