Remodeled for July 26 Celebrations, the Zaza Hotel Has No Shortage of Workers or Fuel


More than 250 workers have been hired, including brigades from two MSMEs from Morón and Trinidad

Repairs include the facade, rooms, bars, disco and swimming pools / Escambray

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, 10 July 2024 — After Manuel Marrero’s visit at the end of June, the Zaza de Sancti Spíritus hotel underwent a marathon to restore it before the July 26 celebrations, whose main act will be held in this province. With a “progressive deterioration” and “very bad condition” from years of disuse, the authorities intend to revitalize the facility in less than a month, not without the criticism of the people of Sancti Spíritus. The restoration of its 124 rooms – 32 will be prioritized for the holiday and then the others will be repaired – the change of the waterproofing, the repair of the facade, the remodeling of the swimming pools, the construction of the villa – which was demolished – and other minor tasks such as the installation of the perimeter fence: this is what the builders must accomplish in the few remaining days.

However, the authorities have not skimped on resources and a “large investment” – of which the official press does not reveal the origin – has made it possible to bring more than 250 workers from five provinces: Matanzas, Villa Clara, Ciego de Ávila, Sancti Spíritus and Havana. Brigades of builders from two MSMEs have also been hired: D’Obras (from Morón) and Génesis (from Trinidad).

“So far we have not had serious problems with the resources or with the fuel to ensure the work, and when an obstacle has arisen, it has been cleared,” the logistics managers of the works told Escambray, which is surprised, like the workers, that the works are beginning at a good pace, contrary to the usual experience.

The workers insist that they have lacked nothing while rebuilding the hotel.  / Escambray

The workers insist that they have not lacked anything while rebuilding the property / Escambray

“Generally, we have not had problems with building materials nor with food, despite the difficult situation that, as we all know, the country is going through. I think that anyone who complains does it because he wants to,” concludes one of the employees. “The intervention being made to the Zaza hotel is v

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