Claudia Sheinbaum Wins Mexico’s Presidency in a Landslide


“I am grateful to become the first woman president of Mexico”

The governing party candidate, Claudia Sheinbaum, the winner of the election, greets supporters early Monday morning, June 3, 2024, in the Zocalo in Mexico City. // Photo: EFE / Mario Guzmán

With 95.2% of the votes tallied Sheinbaum has 59.4%, Xochitl Galvez 27.9% and Jorge Alvarez 10.4%. Voter turnout was 60.9%.

By EFE (Confidencial)

HAVANA TIMES – The governing party candidate, Claudia Sheinbaum, expressed her gratitude early Monday morning, June 3, 2024.” Her Morena party led coalition is projecting to win the necessary majority to reform the Constitution in Congress.

“I am also grateful because, for the first time in 200 years of the Republic, I will become the first woman president of Mexico. And, as I have said on other occasions, I am not arriving alone; we are all arriving together with our heroines who gave us a nation, with our ancestors,” she said in her message in Mexico City.

These were Sheinbaum’s first statements after the National Electoral Institute (INE) quick count showing her far ahead.  Now, with 95.2% of the votes tallied, Sheinbaum has 59.4%, Xochitl Galvez 27.9% and Jorge Alvarez 10.4%. Turnout was 60.9% according to INE

Projects Parliamentary Majority

Additionally, the candidate predicted that her coalition of the National Regeneration Movement (Morena), with the Labor Party, and the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico would achieve the qualified majority, two-thirds of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, enabling them to reform the Constitution without negotiating with the opposition.

With this, she projected to push forward the policies of the current president, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

“I want to thank millions of Mexican men and women who decided to vote for us in this historic election to advance with the fourth transformation of public life in our country,” she said.

Sheinbaum, former head of government of Mexico City (2018-2023), based her campaign on promising continuity to Lopez Obrador’s projects, while Galvez’s opposition alliance accused her of representing “authoritarianism.”


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