Cuban President Díaz-Canel Describes as ‘Subversive’ the U.S. Decision To Authorize Bank Accounts for the Cuban Private Sector

La Bodeguita de San Rafael, on the Boulevard of the same name in Havana, is a private initiative. / 14ymedio

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Madrid, 30 May 2024 — The decision of the United States to authorize Cuban entrepreneurs to open bank accounts in the United States through the internet responds, according to Miguel Díaz-Canel, “to a subversive design, outlined in known strategies, that contemplates the manipulation and employment of this sector as a potential agent of change in the country.” The Cuban leader took a day of reflection to react with stronger words than those of his Ministry of Foreign Affairs and did so through his account on X.

“They are limited, restrictive and do not touch the fundamental issue of the blockade against our country, nor the other sanctions of its maximum pressure policy,” he argued, in line with the statement of the Foreign Ministry, published on Wednesday. “They do not eliminate or change the coercive measures that most affect the Cuban economy and public services, with which they today severely damage the well-being of our entire population,” he added.

Although Díaz-Canel did not mention it, he was referring to what almost 24 hours earlier the Ministry of Foreign Affairs described as “the absurd inclusion of Cuba in the list of states that allegedly sponsor terrorism.” Fifteen days ago, Washington removed the Island from the other list, that of countries that “do not fully cooperate with (U.S.) anti-terrorist efforts,” but the regime wants to get off the first list, which has greater implications, including restrictions on some economic and financial aid and access to international credits, in addition to the cancellation of arms exports.

“They do not eliminate or change the coercive measures that most affect the Cuban economy and public services, with which they today severely damage the well-being of our entire population”

“As long as the intensified blockade remains in force, criminally affecting the entire Cuban people, the United States will not be able to get rid of the global condemnation of this genocide-without-bombs that seeks to wipe out Cuba’s admirable resistance,” Díaz-Canel insisted in another message.

Republicans reject the Biden Administration’s measure, estimating that the Cuban regime will collaterally benefit from improvements that may come from the private sector. Hence, despite the rhetoric, the U.S. has said it will not place obstacles in the way of the rule issued by the Department of the Treasury and in force since May 28. However, the argument focuses on the defense that all “economic actors” are part of a single country, as does the title of the Foreign Affairs statement

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