Cubamax Signs an Agreement With Aerovaradero To Send Perishable Items to the Island

The business between Cubamax and Aerovaradero offers an opportunity for the regime to exploit the food and medicine shipping market / 14ymedio

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, 6 April 2024 — Cuba continues to sign contracts with foreign companies willing to inject foreign exchange and resources into different sectors of the economy. This Friday it was the turn of air cargo transport that, thanks to an agreement between the Cuban-American parcel company Cubamax and the state-owned Aerovaradero, that “will strengthen the transportation of cargo destined for Cuban families,” said the official press.

The business between the company of Cuban origin, which Cubadebate insists on calling American, offers an opportunity for the regime to exploit the market for shipments of food and medicines sent, for the most part, by Cuban emigrants to their relatives on the Island. In summary, clarifies Mayelin Gotera, general director of Aerovaradero, “the contract is part of the new services that this national entity will provide based on facilitating the arrival of perishable shipments, as was not the case before.” That is, an alliance to also hoard foreign exchange in that sector.

The contract is part of the new services that Aerovaradero will provide based on facilitating the arrival of perishable shipments

This is recognized by the directive itself, which emphasizes that with this agreement they will be able to increase income, and the satisfaction of the recipients will be increased because the cargo will arrive in optimal condition and in a short time.”

As for the operation of deliveries, “perishable shipments require cold rooms that Aerovaradero will provide to Cubamax through its facilities once the flights arrive in Cuba, and they will then be distributed by the vehicles of the private company Paloma,” explains Gotera. Shipments will only be made by air from Fl

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