“We’re Hostages to Ortega and Murillo’s Chain of Command”


Public employees reveal in Nicaragua

Daniel Ortega with Rosario Murillo during the ceremony marking the 90th anniversary of the assassination of Augusto C. Sandino // Photo: Presidential Office

“Most of us have not been involved in perpetrating acts of repression. The regime represses us and imposes intense political surveillance”

By Confidencial

HAVANA TIMES – The recent report of the Group of Experts on Human Rights in Nicaragua (GHREN) identified the structure and chains of command within the different institutions, branches, and agencies of the State to identify the direct perpetrators of violations, abuses, and crimes against humanity. 

According to the report, “The Group identified that the President and the Vice President [Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo, respectively] give orders and instructions –directly or through trusted advisors– to the different state institutions that then have to carry out repressive acts against real or perceived political opponents and members of their families.” 

State workers consulted by CONFIDENCIAL denounced that they receive “orders from above” and claimed that most of them are also “victims and hostages” of the repression. These public employees say that “the orders come from Managua,” about the fact that these are orders from Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo, “and all we can do is bow our heads and obey them,” says Estela, a secondary school teacher from the south of the country.

 “They are holding us hostage”

Estela says that many teachers have resigned due to pressure as well as “the manipulation” of public education by the Ortega-Murillo regime.  

“For example, we have been instructed to take courses on how to handle firearms

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