Havana Has Plans To Repatriate the Cubans Stranded in Haiti but With No Set Date

Image published by one of the Cubans stranded in Haiti.

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Madrid, 21 March 2024 — After two weeks without a word about the fate of the Cubans trapped in Haiti, the Cuban Embassy in Port-au-Prince announced on Wednesday that the plan for their return has been designed, but there is no scheduled date as long as the Toussaint Louverture airport remains closed, in the midst of the most recent crisis of violence that the country has been experiencing since February 29th.

“The representative of Cubana de Aviación, a member of the Cuban state mission in Haiti, has established telephone and face-to-face contact with the 32 rental houses where most of the Cuban passengers of the canceled flights are staying, reports the diplomatic headquarters. That group includes 260 Cubans in total, mostly “mules” who travel between Haiti and the Island to stock up on goods that are scarce in Cuba.

According to the statement, the Embassy is in contact with Barbara Joseph, the commercial specialist for Sunrise Airways, the Haitian travel company used by the Cubans. “There will be flights to two destinations: Camagüey and Santiago de Cuba. Passengers from other provinces will be transported by Transtur bus to their places of origin,” the text adds.

“The flights will be made to two destinations: Camagüey and Santiago de Cuba. Passengers from other provinces will be transported by Transtur bus to their places of origin”

To organize the return, Cubans who reside in Haiti – mostly workers on Cuban “missions” such as the 60 healthcare workers – and those who are passing through will meet virtually with the representatives of both airlines “in order to provide relevant information and discuss concerns.”

Some family members reflect on the distressing situation of their loved ones. “They have spent over three weeks in a place full of uncertainty, hardship and fear. Shootings and killings in the streets continue; the violence is unimaginable,” says one person.

“I make this appeal to all the families of the Cubans who are stranded in Haiti to raise our voices and ask the Government to do something for them. They have been telling us lies for 23 days, in one statem

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