Contaminated Water is the Main Cause of Diarrheal Diseases in Cuba

The poor water service in most of the country forces a large part of the citizens to use the water they have at their disposal / Invasor

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, 11 March 2024 — Acute diarrheal diseases in Ciego de Ávila, Cuba, increased by 86% compared to March 2023, the official newspaper Invasor reported this Monday. Despite the excessive increase, which has translated into a worrying increase “in hospital care,” the epidemiological authorities of the region assure that the cases are within the estimates for this period of the year, which is why they estimate that the situation is still located in the “safety zone.”

“Even though epidemiologically speaking we are not in a critical situation, we do have to worry and take measures, especially at home,” José Luis López, deputy director of Epidemiology at the Provincial Hygiene Center, clarified to the newspaper.

As explained, the institution establishes four categories to monitor the progress of these diseases on the Island: success zone, when there are fewer cases than estimated; safety zone, when the estimate is met; of alarm, when cases increase; and epidemic, when cases exceed what was expected. For “this time of year,” the manager insisted, “cases have increased, but within limits.”

“In the studies that have been done, more than 38% of the samples analyzed have been positive for protozoa (parasites)”

Invasor, however, was not satisfied with López’s statements and stressed that months ago the newspaper highlighted the increase in annual cases in the province, which as of September 2023 exceeded 1,000, at a rate of 37 per week in that month and with “emphasis on pediatric ages.” The figure exceeded the number of cases of the same period in 2022 by 71.2%. With such clear warnings, even if it is a “seasonal increase,” even the official media questions whether the aut

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