Behind the Accusations against Cuba’s ex-Economy Minister

President Miguel Diaz Canel and his point man on the economy, Alejandro Gil, before his removal and corruption charges.

By Francisco Acevedo

HAVANA TIMES – The dismissal of Alejandro Gil as Minister of Economy and Planning of Cuba about a month ago seemed to be just another one, within the periodic cleansing carried out by the Cuban Government. However, everything changed this past week when corruption accusations surfaced and an investigation was opened against him.

Let’s remember that when he was dismissed, President Miguel Díaz-Canel sent him a thank-you message through social media and added that he still had “tasks” to accomplish. Gil responded to this message saying that it was an honor to work with Díaz-Canel. “I’m at your service,” he wrote. Thus, everything seemed to indicate that things had ended on good terms and it was just a facelift because, in reality, no one can fix the Cuban economy.

Many of us thought we would see the cork technique again, which always floats, and in this case, it means reinventing oneself as the director of any state company. Then, after a couple of years, moving to Miami to live the sweet life as if nothing had happened.

However, Gil was arrested this week and accused of corruption.

The president wrote on social media that even Gil acknowledged his “serious mistakes,” resigned from his positions, and from the Communist Party of Cuba. Diaz Canel warned that the enemy would unleash a great campaign to take advantage of the fallen tree, but said the people will remain with the Revolution, “as they have always been accustomed to.” Nothing out of the ordinary.

In essence, either Díaz-Canel knew nothing about it (in fact, he congratulated him on his birthday days after his dismissal), or he was also being investi

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