The Dollar and the Euro Are on the Way to Reaching 340 Cuban Pesos in March

In February the euro reached 320 pesos, the dollar reached 314, and the MLC reached 268. / EFE

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, 6 March 2024 — Among the Government’s pending and urgent tasks, said Cuban Prime Minister Manuel Marrero on Monday, is “the restructuring of the foreign exchange market,” set for February. Now in March, and without measures on the horizon, it is impossible to contain. In the midst of government inaction, the escalation in the price of foreign exchange is unstoppable, and the forecasts of the Observatory of Cuba’s Monies and Finance (OMFi) predict that both the euro and the dollar could exceed 340 pesos in the informal market this month.

In its monthly report, the OMFi, an independent project promoted by Cuban economists and journalists to provide information about the foreign exchange market and the evolution of the country’s financial and economic indicators, states that in February the euro reached 320 pesos, while the greenback (US dollar) reached 314 and the MLC (freely convertible currency) reached 268, which meant a depreciation of the national currency by more than 8% with respect to the foreign currencies and 5.1% in relation to the virtual MLC. Despite the disastrous data, it is a relief compared to the month of January, when the peso lost 18.5% of its value against the dollar and 17.6% compared to the euro.

“Due to the constant informal depreciation of the peso and the inaction of the economic authorities in terms of exchange rate policy, the gap between the multiple exchange rates in the economy continues to widen,” says the document, signed by the Cuban economist Pavel Vidal, a resident of Colombia.

The OMFi estimates that in March there will be, on average, a new devaluation of the national currency

The OMFi, which manages a model by which it predicts the depreciation of the peso, estimates that in March there will be on average a new devaluation of the national currency of 8% with respect to the euro and 9% against the dollar, with a maximum of 340 pesos or 330 in a more conservative scenario. According to its analysis, the consistent devaluation shows that there are no speculative factors behind the rise, but that its origin is related to “the permanence of fundamental imbalances connected with the crisis in national production, inflationary pressures and limited foreign exchange income in the economy.”

The argument responds, possibly unintentionally, to the constant accusation from the ruling party towards El Toque – which is part of the OMFi – of

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