Nicaragua’s Top General Blasts the USA, Embraces Russia

General Julio Cesar Aviles, head of the Army, speaks at a meeting with members of Russia’s Security Council. Photo: Taken from El 19 Digital

The Secretary of Russia’s Security Council, General Nikolai Patrushev, met in Managua with delegates from Bolivia, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela.

By Confidencial

HAVANA TIMES – Nikolai Patrushev’s visit served as a stage for General Julio Cesar Aviles, head of Nicaragua’s Army, to verbally attack the United States and embrace Russia, whose authorities he asked to “strengthen security ties and defend ourselves united against aggressions from the United States and its allies.”

Patrushev met Tuesday, February 27, with delegates from Bolivia, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. The meeting was held behind closed doors at the Olof Palme convention center in Managua.

“Those present here are united by the firm determination to reject and not accept impositions from nations like the United States, which have been aggressors towards us throughout history,” Aviles told the Ortega regime’s media.

According to Aviles, with more than 13 consecutive years heading the Armed Forces, “we have been and continue to be attacked by these hegemonic powers; we have been invaded, they have waged war against us, and in their quest to ensure their hegemonic interests, they have promoted military coups, coup d’états, the destabilization of governments, soft coups and color revolutions.”

Aviles said such meetings with high-ranking officials like Patrushev are necessary “to strengthen security ties and defend ourselves united against aggressions from the United States and its allies.”

General Aviles’ complaints

Additionally, according to Ortega’s media, the military chief took the opportunity to lament the US sanctions, of which he has already been a target. The US Department of the Treasury sanctioned Aviles on May 22, 20

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