The Cuban Company Acosta Danza Yunior Makes its Debut at the Marti Theater in Havana

The new dancers define their style as contemporary, with a clear influence from modern Cuban dance and the folkloric and popular dances. (EFE)

14ymedio biggerEFE (via 14ymedio), Madrid, 11 February 2024 — Acosta Danza Yunior, the new artistic project of the prestigious Cuban dancer and choreographer Carlos Acosta, debuts this weekend with a presentation at the emblematic Martí Theater in Havana.  The new youth group is made up of 10 dancers from 18 to 20 years old, graduates from the academy belonging to the company founded by Acosta in 2016 with an artistic style that combines contemporary movement and classical ballet.

The new generation is ready to perform, having completed a special curriculum for three years. The promoters point out that they will have their own choreographic repertoire and particular program of presentations.

They also define their style as contemporary, with a clear influence from Cuban modern dance and the folk and popular dances of the Island, without disdaining the technical touch of classical ballet.

For their first season, ’Green Shoots’, they will perform ’Fuga’, ’Hybrid’ and ’Nosotros’, where the dancers show their energy, passion and freshness, and that desire to “eat the world,” as their mentor Acosta expressed in the program for their first public performance.

“The three creations are artistic approaches to the complex moments we are living,” said the general director of the ’older sister’ company of the group.

Acosta Danza Yunior “will be the space where many artists will begin their professional careers, and they will adorn the stage in the coming decades”

Acosta Danza Yunior “will be the sp

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