Massive Line for a Miserable ‘Combo’ Priced at 311 Cuban Pesos, Just Over 1 Dollar

The immense line was not surprising, spread between the two sidewalks of the entire block in Carlos III. (14ymedio)

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Juan Diego Rodríguez, Havana, 9 February 2024 — Customers who have to shop in Plaza de Carlos III, in the only store in the shopping center that sells in Cuban pesos, are in luck. The monthly module or combo, which they provide through the ration book in state stores, restricted by bodegas (ration stores) for almost two years, arrived this “generous” Friday: two packages of sausages, two of minced meat, one liquid detergent, two small powder detergents and a bottle of oil, all for 311 pesos.

Thus, it was not surprising that there was an immense line, spread between the two sidewalks down thw side street of the Plaza – as people sought to protect themselves from the sun – some standing and others, the lucky among the lucky, sitting.

“Wow, how good the combo is,” an old woman exclaimed when she saw the little board. But another was disappointed: “That’s how hungry we are, girl, because no one can eat that minced meat.”

In the midst of the endless shortages, those 400 gram tubes from the Richmeat brand – a Mexican brand that has a factory in the Mariel free zone – are the hope for the most disadvantaged

In the midst of the endless shortages, those 400 gram tubes from the Richmeat brand – a Mexican brand that has a factory in the Mariel free zone – are the hope for the most disadvantaged, especially the elderly. A food, however, whose amount of fat and preservatives can make them sick. “I try to eat them, both mincemeat and sausages, but they hurt my gallbladder. When I can’t find anything else, I cook it by boiling it a lot, but there is never a time I try it that i

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