The Dream Team of Cuban Players Overcomes Colombia’s Fiasco and Plays in the United States

In their first game, the Dream Team beat the Miami Dade College Sharks 3-2. (@Fepcube)

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, 19 January 2024 — Despite the cancellation of the Intercontinental Baseball Series in Colombia this January, the Dream Team team of exiled Cuban baseball players of the Cuban Professional Baseball Federation (Fepcube) continues to play exhibition matches in the United States. After a first “premiere” match this Wednesday against the Miami Dade College Sharks, which they defeated 3-2, the team will face the Houston Apollos next Monday. The tournament against the Texans, who were also going to participate in Colombia representing the United States, was announced by the Dream Team on their X account.

Fans of the team, made up of exiled athletes, including some who play in the U.S. Major Leagues, soon took the announcement as a response to the Cuban regime, to which many attribute diplomatic pressure to cancel the competition in Colombia, which was scheduled from January 26 to February 1 at the Edgar Rentería Stadium in the city of Barranquilla.

The Cubans have not yet announced the place or time in which the game with the Apollos will take place

The Cubans have not yet announced the place or time in which the game with the Apollos will take place, but the empathy of the American team has not gone unnoticed. “Everything indicates that this is a meeting that serves as a sign of solidarity with the Dream Team over the cancellation of the tournament in the face of the common pressures of the Colombian and Cuban governments,” said El Nuevo Herald.

Days earlier, in the confrontation with the Sharks, another event attracted the attention of the public. The team did not go out to play with the caps that carried the “Patria y vida” sign

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