Against the Warrior Anti-Semitism of the Cuban Regime


14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Jacobo Machover, Paris, December 17, 2023 — Sad and terrible realization: Cuba leads the most virulent anti-Semitism in much of the world, outside Arab and Muslim countries. The most rancid insults to Israel and the Jewish people are pronounced without the slightest embarrassment by Mariela Castro, the daughter of Raúl Castro; Aleida Guevara, daughter of the Argentine guerrilla and murderer Ernesto Che Guevara; and the puppet president Miguel Díaz-Canel, hand-picked by Raúl Castro.

Cuba doesn’t even try to hide the anti-Semitic feeling behind an “anti-Zionism” that condemned the State of Israel but not all the Jews. Proof of this is the statement of Aleida Guevara in a video broadcast in Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, where she went to offer her services with her own program to a television channel close to the Islamist terrorist organization Hezbollah: “Today you [Israel] are becoming the worst of humanity. Is that what you want for the new generations? Is that what you want to be remembered for in the world as a people of Israel and a Jewish people?”

Note that “let it be remembered” means, delicately, that these people do not have the right to exist, without distinguishing between the Jewish State and the diaspora scattered around the world. Aleida follows in the footsteps of her father, a doctor who liked the taste of blood more than the vocation to heal his fellow human beings: “I am a pediatrician and I can act. There is no problem at all. But on top of that, I’m a pretty good shot. I have a good aim and am militarily trained, because I come from a military school. Therefore, I am at your disposal.”

She doesn’t even try to hide that anti-Semitic feeling behind an “anti-Zionism” that condemns the State of Israel but not all Jews

Guevara’s daughter, the imposing and unpresentable Aleida, therefore incites people, using her still mythologized surname, to armed “resistance” against Israel, without the slightest reference to the infamous massacre perpetrated on October 7 against young people who were celebrating and pacifists from Israel and all parts of the world. She doesn’t mention her buddy and close friend, Mariela Castro Espín, daughter of Raúl and niece of Fidel, a “deputy” in the National Assembly of People’s Power (yes, like her), who has a reputation for being more liberal than other leaders in Cuba for “defending” the homosexuals, once persecuted mercilessly by her uncle and father.

Aleida also advocates the use of weapons against “imperialism” (Zionist, of course): “The Intifada has symbolic value in the Palestinian resistance, but imperialism can no longer be confronted with stones, nor with words, nor by diplomatic channels.” As for Díaz-Canel, it should be noted that he

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