Political Police Isolate Opponents During EU Representative Eamon Gilmore’s Visit to Cuba

The special representative of the European Union for Human Rights, Eamon Gilmore, with representatives of the EU, this Friday, in Havana. (EFE/Ernesto Mastrascusa)

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Madrid, 24 November 2023 — Before the  of the European Union’s Special Representative for Human Rights, Eamon Gilmore, landed in Cuba, State Security had already detained Professor Pedro Albert Sánchez and Dr. Fernándo Vázquez, both activists, who had announced their intention to meet with the Irish senior official.

Ana Elvis Amaya, wife of Pedro Albert Sánchez, told 14ymedio that she went this Friday to the Vivac de Calabazar detention center, in Havana, and they confirmed that the activist is there and that he has not eaten for two days. The professor insists that he will remain without eating “because he had warned that if they arrested him again he would refuse to eat food.” Amaya, however, was not able to see him, although she was assured that he would have a visit next Thursday.

While Dr. Vázquez was released on Thursday, the former’s whereabouts were not known until this afternoon. Activist Carolina Barrero, currently residing in Spain, made public several videos in which Professor Albert Sánchez announced his intention to hold a sit-in in Lennon Park in Havana to try to get closer to Gilmore, whom he had sought to contact through a letter to explain the situation of political prisoners on the Island.

“I chose that park because there is a monument to the Freemasons, who are a symbol of fraternity, decency, unity, and patriotism. Let us not forget that among them were Maceo, Martí and many others, almost all the great heroes in the history of Cuba were Freemasons,” details Professor Sánchez, who also considers the place an open and striking space, where State Security could not intervene. He didn’t even have that option.

The activist also considered the place an open and striking space, where State Security could not intervene

In the videos published by Barrero, Sánchez tells the story of his arrest on 11 July 2021, his time in the Valle Grande prison, the death of his mother while he was in prison and his conviction, as well as his subsequent release – home freedom — for health reasons. “I suspect that this audio is going to be a little strong and maybe it will be the last, or maybe it will be the most important of my life. Frankly, I hope it is both: the last and the most important of my life,” he says excitedly, admitting that he would prefer to die in prison.

Before disappearing, Sánchez left Barrero the four clips with the request to “bring it to light” if something happened. “Maybe one day it will be useful, at least for those of us who seek love and justice. Maybe it will be a useless audio for those who choose hatred and revenge.” Barrero disseminated them on Thursday afternoon, 48 hours after losing contact with the professor.

Sanchez sent an email to the EU office to ask Gilmore for a meeting with members of independent civil society, such as himself or Professor Alina Bárbara López Hernández, whose trial is scheduled for the 28th, who participated in a meeting in May with the high representative of foreign policy of the 27 European countries, Josep Borrell.

“I would ask you: Do you have the possibility of visiting the relatives of the political prisoners in Cuba and the political prisoners? I would ask you other things: To what extent, when a representative of the European Union comes to Cuba, do you manage to have contact with the true Cuban reality , with the citizens? And from there, is compliance with human rights or the violation of human rights really valued?” the professor said, speaking to Martí Noticias this Tuesday, shortly before his arrest.

“My admiration to all my brothers who are in prisons, for their courage,” he said, reporting that a patrol was guarding the entrance to his home. “We live in a constant regim

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