Cuban and Indian communist parties hold exchange

HAVANA, Cuba, Jun 20 (ACN) Jorge Luis Broche Lorenzo, member of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Cuban communist party (PCC) and head of its department of attention to the social sector, held today a videoconference with Prakash Karat, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of India, Marxist (CPIM).

On Twitter, the PCC informs that at the beginning of the meeting, Broche Lorenzo congratulated the PCIM for its 23rd Congress, and extended greetings from the member of the Political Bureau and Secretary of Organization of the Central Committee of the PCC, Roberto Morales Ojeda.

Prakash Karat expressed his pleasure in exchanging ideas with the party of the Caribbean nation and highlighted the high appreciation and the way in which Cuba has remained strong in its position against imperialism.

The Cuban official spoke about the work done to revive the economy, advance in the process of macroeconomic stabilization, and give greater value to the Cuban peso as the center of the national financial system, as well as the hostility of the US government, which used old practices of attack with modern techniques of unconventional warfare, with the aim of creating a climate of citizen insecurity, as a prelude to a social outbreak.

The Indian official highlighted Cuba’s efforts to preserve the integrity and sovereignty of the region.

He said that the current government of his country attacks democratic rights and establishes strong links with the United States, especially in the military field.

Prakash Karat considered that the main challenge is how to build a resistance to this offensive of the right wing that is taking great dimensions and attacking the life and livelihood of Muslims.


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