Tabacuba Is Committed to a Harvest of 25,500 Tons and Income of 300 Million Dollars


The joint venture Habanos S.A., 50% owned by Spain, earned 721 million dollars in 2023

In Pinar del Río, the mecca of Cuban tobacco, planting seems to be recovering due to the amount of resources that are set aside / Habanos SA

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, 23 September 2024 — The authorities estimate 300 million dollars to be the amount received each year by the Cuban State thanks to tobacco, according to a note published this Monday in the State newspaper Granma. It reports on the start of the campaign in Pinar del Río, where the irrigation of seedbeds is beginning with the aspiration of sowing 12,000 hectares, more than half of the 20,000 that will be planted throughout the country.

Marino Murillo Jorge, president of the Tabacuba Business Group, after contributing to the shipwreck of the country’s economy as the author of the Ordering Task, announced that the tobacco sector’s bad luck after the passage of Hurricane Ian – just two years ago – has passed, and the harvest is expected to reach the 25,500 tons of leaves required by the industry.

It will be necessary, the official warned, “to increase production, in order to have the raw material that is needed for the export of braided cigars.” For this, the State has guaranteed something unusual in the midst of scarcity: secure fuel until March and the availability of all fertilizer formulations. “The hirings and arrivals are behaving as we expected. In terms of resources, we have exceptional conditions,” he exulted.

For this, the State has guaranteed something unusual in the midst of scarcity: secure fuel until March and the availability of all fertilizer formulations

Everything is apparently ready for profits to continue to rise, something confirmed by information published this Sunday in Cubadebate, according to which Habanos S.A. has obtained a record income in 2024 of 721 million dollars. In reality, it is about the turn

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