The United States Joins the International Call for the Freedom of José Daniel Ferrer


The White House shows “increasing concern for the health” of the opponent

José Daniel Ferrer suffers from health problems in prison / Facebook

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, 20 September 2024 — The United States Government demanded this Friday that the Cuban authorities release the political prisoner José Daniel Ferrer, as well as the more than 1,000 Cubans “unjustly detained.” Through the Undersecretary of State for the Western Hemisphere, Brian Nichols, the White House also pointed out the “rising international concern for the health” of the opponent and leader of the Patriotic Union of Cuba (Unpacu), which has been diminished by prison conditions and his recent hunger strike.

“We condemn the horrendous conditions that he and other unjustly detained political prisoners suffer. We call on the Cuban government to release Ferrer,” the official said. The complaint is added to that of the European Parliament this Thursday, which, as in 2019, again demanded that the regime release Ferrer “immediately and unconditionally,” as well as all the people “arrested arbitrarily for political reasons and for exercising their rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly.”

The non-binding resolution was approved with 380 votes in favor, 182 against and 51 abstentions. In the call, European deputies condemned “the torture and inhuman and degrading mistreatment inflicted against José Daniel Ferrer and the other political prisoners.” They demanded that “the families of the victims of the Regime’s persecution be immediately allowed access to them, and that the victims receive medical attention.”

The complain

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