Cuban Doctors Waiting for Certification To Practice in Spain Ask for Solutions

A health worker attends to a patient in a health center in Madrid, Spain, in a file image / EFE / Mariscal

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Madrid, 23 September 2024 — Cuban doctors living in Spain have declared war on the bureaucratic jam of the Ministry of Universities, which prevents the certification of their degrees within a reasonable time. The doctors complain that it takes an average of two or three years to carry out this validation, when the law establishes a period of six months. Therefore, the Movement for Cuban Certification in Spain and the Association of Cuban Doctors in Spain have intensified their demands in the last year, and this Wednesday they will protest before the Congress of Deputies demanding solutions.

The work has been accumulating for too many years, which is why the Government approved in 2022 the obligation to process certification electronically, thinking that this would speed up the process. Although, according to the Fair Certification Now! platform, there was a significant reduction (from 50,677 applications in 2022 to 34,221 in 2023), the ease of submitting the documentation has also increased the number of files, so that at the end of that year, 45,000 had already accumulated, creating too many cases with the same number of officials in charge of managing them.

Although the General Secretariat of Universities issued, in February, a recommendation to order the processing of files for Spanish and European legal residents “through a specific way that allows rapid integration into the labor market,” the agony continues. According to the Fair Certification Now platform, among all the professions, there were more than 100,000 files backlogged.

From the Movement for Cuban Certification in Spain there is talk of an arbitrary paralysis of the applications for a year

Cuban doctors need to provide four documents to have their degrees certified in Spain: their degree, a certification of their grades, their w

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