‘Juventud Rebelde’ Denounces the Inaction of Cuba’s Leaders in the Face of Their Readers’ Complaints


Only 46% of the complaints received by the media in the year were responded to

Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel “attending” to the farmers of Sancti Spíritus / Escambray

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, 22 September 2024 — The uncomfortable “Acknowledgement of Receipt” section, in which one of Cuba’s official newspapers, Juventud Rebelde, takes advantage of its “freedom” to publish readers’ complaints, translated the inefficiency of Cuban officials into numbers on Sunday. “Of the complaints published here in 2024, only 46% received a response,” said the media, which considers that the situation “leaves much to be desired.”

José Alejandro Rodríguez, the journalist who has written the section for years and whose “criticisms” have gained popularity among the readers of Juventud Rebelde, explains that, after a “grace period” of 60 days that they grant to each official or organization to respond to the complaints of Cubans – some of them serious, such as the one published by two Cuban doctors who have not received their salaries in a year – the attitude remains disappointing.

Among those who did respond to the claims – which can range from a broken pipe to the absence of a basic service for months – 69.5% limit themselves to explaining the reason why the demand has not been resolved, and 30% do not even offer excuses. Once again, the newspaper regrets, the situation “reveals little respect” for the problems of citizens.

‘Juventud Rebelde’ is pleased that, with respect to the 2023 numbers, this year the section has received more responses

However, Juventud Rebelde is pleased that, with respect to the 2023 issues, this year the section has received more responses. On concrete solutions, however, there are no statistics – although it i

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