In Search of ‘Solidarity’ and Support, Cuba’s Foreign Ministry Brings Together Emigrants in New York


“The objective of the new Migration Law is to ensure that Cubans find prosperity in Cuba”

The focus was on the new laws that affect emigrants / Minrex

14ymedio bigger 14ymedio, Havana, 21 September 2024 — Despite the impression of “frank dialogue” with emigration that Cuba’s Foreign Ministry wants to give, those who attended the fifth meeting of this type organized by the Cuban Consulate in the United States, this Saturday in New York, did so with their backs to the cameras. Very few are willing to show their faces after, in past years, they were criticized for their approach – for economic reasons, in most cases – to the regime.

The focus was on the new laws that affect emigrants – those of Foreigners, Citizenship and Migration, approved by Parliament but not yet published in the Official Gazette – whose content was described by Colonel Mario Méndez, a high official of the Ministry of the Interior, dressed in civilian clothes. The director of Consular Affairs of the Foreign Ministry, Ana González Fraga, quoted at length what President Miguel Díaz-Canel thought about emigrants. She reminded them that, despite their living with the “enemy,” the Government “waits for their return” and applauds their “triumphs.”

She celebrated the migrants related to the Government who have sent “food donations” this year and have made “pronouncements” against the embargo, in addition to participating in “caravans” in support of the regime. These are “challenging moments for the nation,” he said, in which the Government “infinitely” values any “solidarity contribution.”

The diplomats celebrated that emigrants related to the Government have sent “food donations” this year

“All those who want to contribute are welcome,” Fraga said and began shouting slogans against the blockade,

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