Being a Caregiver in Cuba: You Are On Your Own

“Temporary Facilities.” First place in the “Seeing Old Age” photography contest, second edition, by Cuido 60.  Photo: Maria Amalia Vazquez Hernandez.

By Rachel Pereda (El Toque)

HAVANA TIMES – It’s often said that journalists are the ones who ask questions during an interview, but everyday life in Cuba is full of questions that often have no answers.

“What will I cook today?” “When will the water come so I can do laundry?” “Will the power go out?” “When will the medicines arrive at the pharmacy?” “Who can I leave mom with to go to the store?” “Will there be a long line?”

Annie Delgado’s head is full of questions that seem like a dead-end street. As an only child, she dedicates herself full-time to caring for her mother. She had to give up life as she knew it to face a challenge that has profoundly transformed her personal and professional life.

“I’ve been a caregiver for a year and nine months. I took on this role after my mother fell and broke her hip,” Annie explains. Without any prior training in caregiving, apart from her experience looking after other relatives, she was forced to quickly adapt to her new reality. This task has had a devastating impact on her life, forcing her to quit her job and sacrifice her independence and well-being.

At 56, Annie had worked for over three decades, but her professional life came to an abrupt halt. “I had to stop working because my (state) workplace didn’t allow me to work remotely, nor did they give me more than a month of unpaid leave,” she says sadly. And of course, her mother’s situation was not going to be resolved in a month.

This lack of flexibility from the place where she had dedicated a large part of her life not only left her without an income but also deeply disappointed her, like a bucket of cold water that freezes your blood and leaves you paralyzed. From that moment on, she has had to make personal and professional sacrifices to adapt to this role that changed everything.

The Routine of a Caregiver: Between Demands and Scarcity…

Annie’s daily routine is a mix of caregiving duties and household chores, all carried out under constant pressure. “I can’t leave my mom alone, and I don’t have time for entertainment. I can’t work anymore, and I’ve had to take

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