Cuba Siglo 21 Requests Interrogation of the Former Cuban Pilot Who Participated in the Shoot Down of the Brothers to the Rescue Planes


Cuba Siglo 21 says that the case of Luis Raúl González-Pardo, who lives in the United States, “goes beyond the migration issue”

González-Pardo was director of Terminal 2 of José Martí International Airport / Mario J. Penton

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, 17 September 2024 — The organization Cuba Siglo 21 pronounced this Tuesday on the case of the former pilot of the Cuban Armed Forces Luis Raúl González-Pardo, who has been living in the United States since April thanks to the Humanitarian Parole program. According to its report, the situation “goes beyond the immigration issue” and must be referred to the Florida Prosecutor’s Office, given the involvement of the former soldier in the shoot down of two Brothers to the Rescue planes in 1996.

The Prosecutor’s Office – argues Cuba Siglo 21 – must decide whether to proceed in trying González Pardo for being part of the group of pilots who harassed the unarmed aircraft of the humanitarian organization and killed four people (three Cubans with US citizenship and one resident). “At the very least, he should be interrogated about those facts.”

The issue in question, which the González-Pardo case once again puts into discussion, is the legal defense of “due obedience.” The international community, explains Cuba Siglo 21, does not recognize this allegation, which aims to justify ” first-degree, premeditated murder” with the statement that the person was only following orders.

Both the 13 de Marzo Tugboat sinking and the shooting down of the planes of Hermanos al Rescate were ambushed with premeditation and treachery from intelligence information

The organization gives two recent examples in Cuban history: the shoot down of the planes in 1996 – from which the former pilot cannot detach himself, although he allegedly did not shoot – and, two years earlier, the sinking of the 13 de Marzo tugboat, in which “unarmed Cuban families trying to migrate” died.

“Both the 13 de Marzo Tugboat sinking and the shooting down of the Brothers to the Rescue planes were ambushes with premeditation and treachery from intelligence information previously provided to the Cuban government by its agents and informants. They were not actions of war, but planned homicides. Both acts constitute crimes against humanity that

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