An Everyday Cuban Hero Who Repairs and Resolves

Repair workers are a very important part of every day Cuban life.

By Laura Gomez

HAVANA TIMES – In contrast to a university career that requires years of study, the vocational schools offer short-term training aimed at the needs of the labor market. Despite the existence of many such schools, however, most Cubans learn their trades by watching. Orestes Ramos, 56, is such an entrepreneur, a man who acquired his practical skills through observation and now has a deep mastery of repairing household appliances.

How did you get into the world of repairing household items?

It all began when I was living in Guanabo. I had a neighbor there who fixed all kinds of defective appliances: fans, rice cookers, washing machines and radios, among others. One day I decided to sit down beside Skinny, as they called him, and I began watching every detail. When he saw my interest, he hired me to help with his work.

Do you think you have a special talent for learning by watching?

I didn’t know it was called a talent, but it’s what I’ve done since I was little. I remember my mother telling me they’re called mirror neurons, but I didn’t pay any mind to that. But that’s how I learned bricklaying, plumbing, restorations. From just hearing the sound of a malfunctioning appliance, I can tell what the difficulty is. Necessity pushes you to perfect your skills, and also I believe that everyone has the ability to learn from what they see. That’s how we begin life, by watching our parents.

The shortwave radios that were very popular in the Soviet years. One of the items Orestes still repairs.

When did you decide to set up your own workshop?

It wasn’t easy. On the one hand, I felt ready to take on a workshop myself and take it seriously; but on the other, there was always something that would confound me, and that I’d have to study and ask about, until I could finally hit the nail on the head. When I met Yaneisy, my wife, I didn’t realize my life would change so much. She had two small children, and I decided that I had to start my own small business, so I went to live in Alamar and began to construct my workshop in the back patio.

How did you take on the responsibility of being the non-biological father to her children?

I’ve always liked children, but I never saw myself becoming a father. With so many things lacking in this country, you question that move a lot. The boys are from two different fathers who didn’t want to assume their paternity. At first, our coexistence was complicated. There were days when I wanted to run away – I wasn’t used to that whirlwind of shouts, ruckus, and so much mess in the house. Then a few months after I moved, Yaneisy told me she was pregnant and we decided to have the baby, which was a little girl.

An orbita fan fro

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