The Drama of Deported Cubans Who Leave Their Family in the United States


When Cuban deportees return fromthe US to the Island, they are taunted by the immigration authorities at José Martí airport

Vivian Limonta and her husband Osmani Pérez before she was deported / Video capture / Univision

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, August 30, 2024 — “I’m happy about everything you’ve been through,” blurted out a José Martí International Airport officer to Vivian Limonta, one of the 48 Cubans deported by the U.S. last Wednesday. The mother of a hyperactive child with attention deficit, not even her marriage to an American saved her from forced return. The authorities of the Island, to rub salt in the wound, added: “See how bad that country is, look: they bring you like dogs.”

Limonta was a beneficiary of the Migrant Protection Protocols that Washington initiated in 2019. However, due to a setback, she could not attend the appointment scheduled in the Court in 2020, so she was given the probation form I-220B, for which they have deported dozens of Cubans. Her words, interviewed this Thursday by Univision, attest to the effect that deportation had on her: “I’m devastated. I’m speechless.”

Limonta had been detained since last July at the Broward Migrant Detention Center of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Service (ICE). The appeals filed by her lawyer were dismissed. The evidence of the distance between her and her family on the Island, who consider her “counterrevolutionary” for publishing statements on social networks critical of the regime, were not mitigating. Her son and her husband were left behind.

Osmani Pérez went to the office of Congressman Carlos Giménez but could not prevent his wife’s deportation / Video capture / Univision

“I never thought that the United States Government would separate me from my son like this and deport me,” she lamented.


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