Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega Offers ‘Sandinista Fighters’ to Venezuela if a ‘Counterrevolution’ Is Mounted


María Corina Machado says that “the end of the regime of horror is approaching”

rchive photograph of an act of protest against the results of the presidential elections. / EFE/Latif Kassidi

14ymedio biggerEFE (via 14ymedio) San José/Caracas, August 27, 2024 — The president of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, offered this Monday to his ally and Venezuelan counterpart, Nicolás Maduro, to send “Sandinista fighters” in case a “counterrevolution” is mounted in Venezuela.

During a virtual summit with heads of state of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA), Ortega told Maduro not to rule out a civil war in Venezuela, like the one fought in Nicaragua in the 1980s of the last century, in the middle of the Cold War.

“I want to alert Nicolás, and I’m sure you already have thought, analyzed and prepared (…), as they (the Venezuelan opposition) have already failed at this maneuver (of reversing the electoral results), and there is no turning back, no step back ; Nicolás is the legitimate president.” They could now take up arms, as happened here, said the Sandinista leader.

According to Ortega, Colombia could be the scene of a Venezuelan “counterrevolution” because of the extensive border it shares with Venezuela, and where the United States has military bases.

Ortega said that the “battle” in Venezuela “would be much greater” than the one that took place in Nicaragua, “because the Colombian Army is involved”

The Nicaraguan president commented that he does not see Colombian President Gustavo Petro “feeding” that possible “mercenary army,” but he does see other former rulers, among whom he mentioned Álvaro Uribe (2002-2010) and Iván Duque (2018-2022).

“There are Yankee military bases (in Colombia), and, therefore, do not rule it out, because imperialism today is more wounded than ever by this victory (in Venezuela). Do not rule out their ability to organize an armed counterrevolution, like those that were organized against us during the first Sandinista Government,” he said.

In that scenario, Ortega said that the “battle” in Venezuela “would be much greater” than the one that took place in Nicaragua, “because it involves the Colombian Army, Colombian mercenaries, Colombian murderers and Colombian drug traffickers.”

Therefore, the Sandinista leader advised Maduro to “prepare to fight the battle and defeat them, because I am sure that if that battle occurs you will win.”

“And rest assured that if that battle happens, you will have Sandinista fighters accompanying you in that battle,” he offered. “And I am sure that just as thousands of (foreign) fighters joined the battle of Nicaragua against (Anastasio) Somoza (Debayle), thousands of Latin American and Caribbean fighters will also join the defense of the Bolivarian revolution,” he added.

In addition, Ortega says he broke relations with Brazil and called his Brazilian counterpart, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, “a lackey,” who wanted to be the “representative of the Yankees” in Latin America.

Lula is one of the presidents of Latin America who had a “brutal and “cowardly reaction” for not recognizing Maduro’s triumph

The Sandinista leader said that Lula is one of the presidents of Latin America who had a “brutal and cowardly reaction” for not recognizing Maduro’s triumph, and that he is part of the other “servile, traitorous, lackey governments. Brazil has presented itself as very progressive and very revolutionary. Now it says that the elections have to be repeated (in Venezuela). I say ’Brazil’ meaning Lula,” he reproached.

Ortega said that Lula “in a shameful way” is “repeating the slogans of the Yankees, the Europeans and the lackey governments of Latin America.”

“You’re a lackey, too, Lula! You’re groveling, too, Lula!” exclaimed Ortega, who also criticized the Brazilian president’s previous government management. He recalled that in Lula’s first Administration, “uproars” of corruption such as “the Lava Jato scandals”* broke out.

“Remember all that (…). Apparently it was not a very transparent Government, not very clean. Remember, Lula, and I could tell you a dozen more things,” he continued. “If you want me to respect you, respect me, Lula. If you want the Bolivarian people to respect you, respect the victory of President Nicolás Maduro and don’t be a lackey,” he added.

On August 8, the Brazilian ambassador to Nicaragua, Breno de Souza Brasil Días da Costa, left the country after being expelled by the Ortega Government, according to the official version, for not attending the celebration of the 45th anniversary of the Sandinista revolution on July 19. In reciprocity, the Government of Brazil decided to expel the ambassador of Nicaragua, Fulvia Castro.

“And since being president of the great country that is Brazil, you have wanted to become a representative of the Yankees in Latin America”

In the past, Lula had a close relationship with Ortega when the Brazilian leader traveled to

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