Cuba: Executioners in a Stampede


Perhaps not all officials have been perpetrators, but all the abusers acted in the name of a state and political party that have destroyed Cuba and the Cubans

The then first secretary of the PCC in Cienfuegos, Manuel Menéndez Castellanos (left) receives Fidel Castro on October 18, 1996 / Trabajadores

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Pedro Corzo, Miami, 25 August 2024 — If the Cuban state is repressive and led by a single political party, communist, that must mean that the militants of that party, especially if they hold some kind of leadership, are also repressive.

Those of us who have suffered the rigor of the totalitarian Castro regime can attest to the evil of their political and police officials and many others who enjoyed abusing their prerogatives, to the detriment of those who were not integrated into despotism.

Perhaps not all officials have been perpetrators, but all the abusers acted on behalf of a state and a political party that have destroyed Cuba and the Cubans. Many executioners have decided to seek refuge in the country that they officially hated the most and that many wanted to destroy in their years of Castro fervor, when they believed that brandishing the machine guns would silence the demands for freedom.

The victims are not obliged to forget, and forgiveness is a personal decision of the person who has been abused. It is the perpetrator who must be aware that his crimes went beyond the idea he claimed to defend. It is the predator who must admit his guilt and who is obliged to perform a public act of contrition.

The victims are not obliged to forget, and forgiveness is a personal decision for the person who has been abused

The necessary reconciliation cannot come only from the victim. It should not be a unilateral act by those who were harmed and who, by virtue of their civic conscience, control their passions and prefer the application of justice. A society that doe

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